Wholesale Director Spotlight: Maggie Cullen

Hi Everyone!

I’m Maggie Cullen, aka “Maggie #2”, and I’m the Wholesale Director of Oh You’re Lovely!

Now, what is a Wholesale Director, exactly? And more importantly – what does that mean for you? And MOST importantly, how can I help? 

In this blog, I’ll take you through a little about myself, how I entered the world of wood flowers, and what services are available to all of you free of charge just by being an Oh You’re Lovely customer!

Now, allow me to (re)introduce myself!

About Me

I live in Richmond, Virginia with my puggle Shay and my husband Brian. Brian and I met (and adopted Shay) in New York City, but after over 10 years of living in the NYC metro area, we decided it was time for a change. Since I went to college nearby, I suggested Richmond as our next destination. 1-2 scouting trips later and here we are!

In my downtime, I love the following:

  • Tattoos: Since moving here, I’ve gotten several large scale tattoos all over my arms and legs. I LOVE tattoos and I’m nowhere near done with getting them!

  • Video Games: My husband somehow got me into video games in the early 2010s. Some of my favorites include Skyrim, Nier Automata, and Stardew Valley.

  • Meat and cheese: It’s true. Invite me over for dinner and instead, provide a charcuterie board. I'll be all set!

  • Renovating my home: We live in a 100+ year old house and it has been so much fun to combine vintage styles with some more modern needs.

  • Crafting!: I keep my skills sharp by rolling up my sleeves and doing the same work that you’re doing!

  • Now, that’s all for the evening and weekend hours. So how did I become affiliated with Oh You’re Lovely?

    Picture It: Roxbury, New York, 2016…

    With all credit due to Sophia Petrillo (yes, I also have a healthy obsession with The Golden Girls), this story needs a little flashback.

    When Brian and I got married in 2016, like many wedding couples, I was on the lookout for the PERFECT bridal bouquet. I remembered seeing a friend post a picture with wood flowers prior to then, and so I thought – why not? And so: my inspiration for a wood flower brooch bouquet was born.

    While I don’t love showing pictures of that first bouquet (fun fact: there are a LOT of things I would change about it today since there was ZERO greenery involved) it does represent the first step of my journey. And that makes it invaluable!

    From there, I became a hobbyist. I posted in Facebook groups, found this company called Oh You're Lovely and ended up meeting these two ladies named Maggie and Stefanie (of course I fangirled a little) who just HAPPENED to run my favorite small business.

    At the time I was running my own business – From Maggie, With Love. It was here that I learned so much about the industry – how to approach a corporate event vs. a wedding, how to mass produce items vs. taking your time to carefully make ONE amazing piece, and so on. I scheduled photo shoots, decorated baby showers, and even had my work featured in a few magazines!

    Maggie and Stef hired me around then. My job was to help with crafting projects, writing tutorial blogs, and even filming the occasional live (the two-part cascade live I did back in 2019 was just before I started working for OYL!). I was firmly in the crafting side of the business.

    However, over time, I found myself being pulled further away from crafting and closer to guidance, teaching, and strategy. And thus began my wholesale career with Oh You’re Lovely!

    How Can I Help?

    As the Wholesale Director of Oh You’re Lovely, I am responsible for not only growing our business but also serving as a concierge for all of our small business owners.

    In addition to our regular tutorial blogs, you can also schedule free consultations with me. In these calls, I can give you advice on business strategies, crafting tips, and ways to maximize your profit. And even if I don’t know the answer – I will find it. Even better: this service comes free of charge to all wholesale customers.

    Put another way: if you are making more money, then I am doing my job. And I urge you all to let me do my job!


    And that’s me in a nutshell! I’m an inked-up, video game-playing, pug-owning craftsperson and small business extraordinaire. And I am part of your team.

    If you’re interested in a consultation, or if there are any general questions you have, don’t hesitate to reach out! We can chat any time at wholesale@ohyourelovely.com

    Thanks all. Looking forward to your messages and let’s chat soon!

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