Our 2021 Year-In-Review

Here we are at the end of the year, with 2022 staring us right in the face (I’m still not sure how that happened!). We have some big plans for you all in the new year but before looking ahead, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on some of our big moments since last January!

Without further ado, here are our accomplishments, notable news, and challenges we experienced in 2021!

Maggie #2 Makes Her Wholesale Debut

That’s right! After a good amount of time working on the communications side of the business for Oh You’re Lovely, I switched over and became the Wholesale Director!

As a young business ourselves, we know what it is like to need dedicated support. By investing resources into our wholesale business, we can give sola wood flower entrepreneurs the support they need in order to succeed. 

Let’s take a look at some of the positive changes we were able to foster in 2021:

First Up: The Wholesale Blog!

As small business owners, you probably have much of the crafting side of the business figured out and more of your attention is focused on the logistics of promoting your products, shipping them at the lowest price point and continuing to grow your sales.

We introduced our wholesale blog to address some of the most fundamental lessons for wholesalers. 

Every time we publish a blog, we also create a companion weekly newsletter. This is a vital piece that we write to give you at-a-glance access to things happening on our end so you can stay up-to-date on all things sola flower wholesale! In 2022, we will be revamping the newsletter and frequency of the blogs to bring you more resources and snippets behind the scene.

Let’s Get Reel

This year we created an Instagram account dedicated to wholesalers! Admittedly this is a work in progress as I learn more about what you want to see and creating content that is helpful to each of you. We look forward to continuing to grow our wholesale social media presence next year!

Your Opinion Counts!

I love love love how I’ve been able to plug in with our community of sola wood wholesalers over the past year. The fact that we’ve been able to work together on building this community has meant the world to me. Even better – it’s allowed me to touch into your opinions and sentiments in order to get honest, immediate feedback on how we’re doing. Look for an even more robust and interactive experience in 2022.

Admittedly, We Learned Some Lessons the Hard Way

Here’s the thing: we weren’t perfect in 2021. And that’s ok! Remember, there’s no such thing as failing, only learning. For instance: we learned a lot of useful insights around our experiment with Tribe. You see, our intent was to continue building on the wholesale community. But the thing we forgot was that small business owners are already busy enough! You’re looking for people to take things off of your plate, not add to it!

But don’t you worry – we’ve already got a bunch of things planned to make your life easier next year. 

Let’s Talk Shop

As you might have noticed, one of our main goals is to build, foster, and grow a thriving wholesale community. And part of that is by connecting with me via our one-on-one program!

The one-on-one program gives you direct access to yours truly for a 15 minute session on Google Meet. Here, I can give you dedicated advice for how to make your small business thrive. And the best part – this is a totally free service! If you want personalized Oh You’re Lovely-supported advice, just follow this link and book some time with me.

The Two Things In Common

If you look back at our 2021 accomplishments and initiatives, you’ll notice that they’re basically all built on 1) building a community of like-minded creatives, and 2) our unwavering support for the small business owner.

Remember what I said earlier – I’m 100% dedicated to you and your business needs. Don’t be shy about feedback! If there’s anything you need me to research or test or challenge – it is pretty much all fair game. After all, when you succeed, we succeed. 

And we plan on being very successful next year. 

Wondering how the year went over on the retail side of things? Check out the video wrap-up below.

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